Clyde--photo by Woody Walters8x10.jpg

“Wilderness, to me, is a spiritual necessity…

When my son was killed by a drunken driver, it was to the wilderness that I fled in hopes of regaining my serenity and equilibrium. The mysterious spiritual experience of being close to nature helped restore my soul. It was during that time I discovered the intimate beauty of the environment.

My experience reinforced my sense of dedication to use my art form, photography, to show people that there is a unity between all undisturbed and natural places. My hope is to educate…to let people know our land is a special place, and to inspire others to work together to save nature’s places of spiritual sanctuary for future generations.

– Clyde Butcher

Clyde Butcher’s epic monumental photographs (up to size 5x9’) capture Americas’ landscapes by revealing their majestic and sacred spiritual beauty. As this century’s foremost American photographic artist, he is recognized nationally and internationally as a living legend in the field, hallmarked by his silver gelatin hand-processing of each photograph taken with one of his many large format view cameras, ranging in sizes from 4x5” to 12x20”. 

His heartfelt commitment to record our precious landscapes and peaceful sanctuaries throughout the world can be seen in his exhibits that frequent the United States’ museums, as well as internationally, as evidenced by his exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in Pague, Czech Republic, and the United Nation’s request to photograph the Cuban mountains to celebrate the new millennium with the Year of the Mountains.


Honored by the state of Florida with the highest award given to a private citizen, The Florida Hall of Fame Award, he has also been privileged to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from the North American Nature Photography Association, the Distinguished Artist Award from Florida House Embassy (Washington D.C.) and the Ansel Adams Conservation Award by the Sierra Club for showing excellence in photography and contributing to the public awareness of the environment. 

Clyde has been featured in six PBS programs focused on the Florida environment, three becoming award-winning documentaries. His work is captured in multiple table-top books, including America the Beautiful, a collection of work from across the United States; Big Cypress Swamp ~ The Western Everglades; and Portfolio II - Florida.

A selection of his work can be seen on his website: